Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Draw A Toddler Girl Stepbystep

You can draw the chubby cheeks and happy smile of this toddler girl.

When attempting to draw the human figure, it can be hard to know exactly where to begin. With so many details and body parts to consider, drawing any human figure like that of a toddler girl can seem like a daunting task. However, by outlining the figure and adding details as you go, you will organize and structure the page in a way that makes drawing a toddler girl much more manageable. And always remember that practice makes perfect!


Drawing the Toddler Girl Figure

1. Consider the area on the page where you would like to draw your toddler girl. Divide the area into thirds. The top third will be for the head, the middle will be for the torso, and the lower third will be for the legs and feet.

2. Draw an oval above the top line. This oval represents the head from the crown to the cheekbones.

3. Draw a half-oval under the oval. This portion represents the jawline and should come a few centimeters above the top division line.

4. Below the top division line, draw an oval that takes up just under half of the middle third and is the same width as the head.

5. Draw a second, slightly larger oval directly underneath.

6. Draw two oblong ovals and one circle coming downward from one side of the top oval in the middle third. These ovals will make up the arm, with the first oval representing the bicep, the second representing the forearm, and the circle will be the hand. Repeat on the other side.

7. Draw two ovals and a circle coming from one side of the bottom third, under the last division line. These ovals will represent the thigh and the calf, and the circle will be the foot.

8. Using the ovals as an outline, define the lines that will outline the body of the toddler girl, adding details like hands and feet. When you are finished, erase the division lines and the ovals, leaving the outline.

9. Add clothes, shoes, and any additional details you desire.

Drawing a Toddler Girl Face

10. Erase the line through the center of the head where the two ovals meet.

11. Draw a vertical line down the middle of the face.

12. Draw a horizontal line just above the middle of the face.

13. Draw one eye and one eyebrow in the upper left quadrant. Repeat in the upper right quadrant.

14. Starting between the eyes and using the center line as a guide, draw a nose.

15. Add lips just below the nose.

16. Add ears to the side of the head, using the horizontal line as a guide.

17.Add hair to the head.

18. Erase the vertical and horizontal lines, leaving the details.