Monday, April 13, 2015

Lead People Successfully

Lead People Successfully

As a leader you must not only be motivated to succeed, you have to be able to motivate others to succeed. You are not just a leader in your professional life but many of us have people that look to us in our personal lives. This article will help you effectively lead others to succeed, while gaining success in your own life, personally and professionally.


1. Passion is a necessity for a leader, you must be able to passionately envision the future and inspire others to accomplish the goals necessary to achieve the vision. This attitude of passion will become contagious to those around you.

You, as a leader must be able to help people see that they can achieve more than they think is possible. You must not see things as they are but as they could be and instill that into the minds of the people you are leading. Give them a boost in their spirits and desire to be all that they can be. A leader understands that people can change and unlock their potential when they are emotionally engaged and committed to the end results.

2. A good leader will help others see how they can achieve a better life for themselves by moving forward with achieving success for themselves. Many people measure a good leader by the success of the ones follow them.

A good leader coaches their employees, colleagues and others to strategically align themselves with like-minded people. Once an individual can see that they are working toward their own goals and success, they will relentlessly strive to grow and achieve professional and personal goals, thus reflecting being led by a quality leader.

3. Innovation is one of the best attributes of a leader. Do not be afraid of change. Think of new ways to get to the results you are looking for. Advice those following you to think outside the box.

You do this by creating a culture of innovation. This starts by asking questions. Challenge all assumptions, use "WHY" and "What If". Explore the possibilities by compelling others to come up with the best questions and answers. Celebrate success!

4. Let your team become an entrepreneurial staff using experiments to prove the possibility of success. This will develop a corporate climate that encourages your team to think out of the box, break some rules and achieve unmarginal success.

Experimentation is the process of trial and error, but the key to discovery. You must be willing to take a chance on innovation to see if it will work.

5. as leaders, you must look for ideas to come from everyone in your group. Involve them in the process from the beginning and give them the authority to make decisions and to empower others. Human capital is the prime ingredient of organizational success.

Formulate stretch goals, provide resources and precise instructions then empower them to do the job successfully. Balance between laid back unavailable control and overly involved control and the results will prove to be remarkable at the least.

6. Empowering others to be successful is not enough within itself. You must coach them, train them, invest in them to enhance their abilities to perform at their peak consistently. Coaching is the key to unlocking people's potential. It opens them up to possibilities they have not begun to dream of.

Coaching increases your effectiveness as a well informed leader. As a coach you inspire people to grow and achieve more. As a coach you will ask effective questions and providing feedback. To assist you in your coaching efforts find the right balance of led-training and coaching follow-ups to achieve the desired success.

7. On every team there are a diversity of people, use this diversity to your advantage. Teamwork is important to achieving professional and personal goals. Build a star team and not a team of stars. Stars tend to be self motivated and will not conform to team success because they want the spotlight. However a star team will cross pollinated ideas and cross train each other to improve their success ratio.

Encourage people from different cultures and disciplines to come together and develop something new and better together and achieve breakthrough success.

8. Everyone likes to hear the words, "Good Job". Communicate with your team often, especially praise them for coming up with ideas and following through. It is easy to forget the small things in life so acknowledge them right away. This will inspire, motivate and energize your people to forge ahead.

Note: Financial rewards will motivate people to do great things, however more influential then financial gain is emotional gain. You be surprised how emotional rewards will be responded to and last longer than financial ones.

9. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. The essential part of this is that you learn from your mistakes and put measures in place that will help avoid making them again. Innovation used correctly will results in some failures, but the more you fail you will find that success comes easier. Failure is just a learning opportunity.

People learn from different sources: mistakes, taking action, feedback and not stopping. So give your people the freedom to fail, learn from failure and start again more intelligently.

10. Finally, Just have some fun. Passion is the number one driving force of corporate America today, however passion is giving way to it's mate, FUN! People are achieving the goals they want in business and in their personal lives and they are having fun doing it. Fun means creating new and exciting ways to involve your team in achieving measurable goals unconventionally. FUN is the element that removes the stress and burn out syndromes. Create an atmosphere of fun and watch your corporate culture switch from rigid cookie cutter ideas to creative and innovative ideas that will produce success all around.