Thursday, September 25, 2014

Canvas Painting Ideas For Toddlers

Canvas painting can introduce children to the fine arts.

Painting on canvas gives children the pleasure of painting like an artist and can help them take the art of painting seriously. Crafts help develop creativity, innovation and resourcefulness, all of which can be exercised in an activity such as painting. Painting is an engaging activity that children of any age will enjoy as they make something beautiful and useful.

Canvas Lunch Bags

Encourage children to eat their packed snacks or lunches with canvas lunch bags that they have personalized and decorated themselves. Along with standard painting materials, you will need premade canvas bags, drawstring or tote style. Protect the painting area with newspaper or recycled plastic bags. Allow the child to exercise their creativity by letting them paint whatever they want onto the front side of the bag. Give suggestions, such as adding a handprint or drawing their favorite cartoon character. When finished, help the children paint their names onto the canvas bag.


A snazzy new pair of shoes could be something that children might appreciate, especially if they designed and painted those shoes themselves. For this activity, you will need a pair of canvas shoes in the right size, along with standard painting materials. Suggest patterns and designs that the children would like to see on their shoes. The shoe designs do not have to match in appearance, so the children can be creative with both shoes.

Paint by Numbers

Painting by numbers can be an easier way to ease a child into painting. Sets usually come packaged with paint and paintbrushes. These sets have outlines with numbers to indicate what color a child should paint in areas of the canvas. Protect the work area with newspaper or plastic bags before beginning the activity. Help the child identify numbers and colors as they fill in the canvas painting. This activity teaches them about numbers and colors at the same time.

Canvas Notebook Covers

Give the children blank canvas notebook covers, which can be purchased in craft stores. Prepare your work area by surrounding it with newspapers and let your toddler apply designs on the notebook cover. Introduce other types of painting styles to the child, such as using a water spray to add design or letting the paint drip on its own down the canvas.