The animated television show "Fish Hooks" premiered in 2010 on the Disney Channel and takes place in a large fish tank located in Bud's Pet Shop. The show focuses on three fish friends in the tank, Bea, Milo and Oscar. The show is based on the writings of popular children's author Noah Z. Jones and follows the residents of the fish tank through life's trials and tribulations, including dating, friendship and growing up.
Main Cast Members
There are six main characters that appear in the majority of the 27 existing episode of "Fish Hooks." Principle Stickler is the only character who appears in every episode and is voiced by actor Jerry Stiller. Stiller is the father of actor Ben Stiller and is best known for his recent comedic roles in the TV series "Seinfeld" and "King of Queens." The characters of Milo, played by Kyle Massey; Oscar, played by Justin Roiland; and Bea, played by Chelsea Kane; appear in 18 episodes. Laura Ortiz plays the role of Pirahnica and is featured in 14 episodes. The character of Albert Glass appears in 13 episodes and is played by Atticus Shaffer, who as of May 2011 was working on the movie "Frankenweenie," written and directed by Tim Burton.
Seconday Characters
There are numerous secondary characters who appear in various numbers of episodes. Dana Snyder is the voice of Mr. Baldwin and appears in nine episodes. Snyder also provides the voice for Master Shake in the Comedy Central series "Aqua Teen Hunger Force." The semi-regular character Clamantha is played by Alex Hirsch, who also does the voice of The Police in several episodes. Steven Christopher Parker provides the voice for Jumbo Shrimp, and Josh Sussman, who also appears on the hit TV show "Glee," provides the voice for Randy Pincherson, both of whom appear in eight episodes. Kari Wahlgren is the voice of Shellsea, and John Di Maggio is the voice of Jocktopus.
Minor Characters
Numerous characters appear in "Fish Hooks" to advance minor plot lines. The characters of Headphone Joe and Esmargot appear in four episodes each and are voiced by John Caparulo and Rachel Dratch, respectively. Dratch, known for her work on "Saturday Night Live" and "30 Rock," transforms Esmargot into a fun and whimsical character. Mr. Mussels is played by Tommy Lister, and Mouse is played by Vanessa Marshall. Kimberly Mooney provides the voice for the character Finberley.
Occasional Characters
Several characters make their way into "Fish Hooks" for one or two episodes. Well-known actor Jason Alexander of "Seinfeld" fame provides the voice for Mr. Nibbles, who is featured in two episodes. Sabrina Bryan provides the voice for Pamela Hamster. With the help of specially designed land suits, the gang from the fish tank takes a series of field trips to the hamster cage to see Pamela. Seahorse and Coach Salmon make two appearances apiece and are voiced by Jeff Bennett and Richard Simmons, respectively. Chicken, played by Kevin McDonald, and Bo Gregory, played by Maxwell Atoms, appear in two episodes each.