Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Improve At Juggling A Soccer Ball

Juggling a soccer ball is a good way to build ball control and skill. The idea behind juggling is simple: bounce the ball as many times into the air as you can without letting it hit the ground. Doing a few keep-ups is pretty easy, but becoming a masterful juggler can take years of practice. Here are some tips that should help you out.


1. Take off your shoes and pick out the part of your foot you want to hit the ball with most. Some players prefer their instep, while others prefer the base of their big toe. In either case, visualize how that part of your foot will need to hit the ball for it to stay under control.

2. Keep your shoes off and do some "shadow juggling" with an imaginary ball. This might draw a few strange looks from other players, but being able to see your feet makes it easier for you to adjust their positions until you can visualize the perfect touch.

3. Put your shoes back on and pick up the ball. Drop it down, then immediately kick it back up with one of your feet. Repeat this one-touch juggling until the ball goes exactly where you want it to. Remember the foot position, amount of power and timing you used to create this touch and replicate it in the rest of your juggling.

4. Set small goals for your practice sessions. If you want to eventually keep the ball in the air for 100 touches, it's easier to increase your record by five or 10 touches at a time, instead of going for it all at once.

5. Practice juggling with another person. If you can learn to anticipate and control someone else's touches, controlling your own will seem a lot easier. Also, juggling with a partner can be a lot of fun and much less solitary than practicing by yourself.