Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Make A Large Canvas Abstract Painting

Abstract art can create a variety of different impressions with people.

Abstract painting is within the grasp of anyone willing to let go of everyday thinking. You must interpret reality as an abstraction. This is then expressed using people, animals or objects. Elements may or may not be recognizable in a visual sense. Abstract paintings depict ideas, concepts and emotions by use of color and shapes. They can be full of detail or just a slight variation in color. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to abstract painting other than that there should be some thought put into the work.


1. Draw your main idea on a piece of paper to start the process. Use a background color as the base of the work, and add other elements on top in layers. Ideally, your most detailed work will be done later, rather then earlier. Experiment with different geometric shapes and techniques such as diffusing detail painted in previous layers.

2. Build up numerous background layers. Use a paper sketch for each layer if that helps. Use a number system and indicate color in different sections to help guide you as you paint. Leave some remnants of each layer. Let the layer dry if you want to cover some of it in a different color. Adding different colors when wet will create a blend of both.

3. Draw the main background elements of your painting on the canvas with a pencil. Do not over-think what you are doing and let your ideas flow naturally from your mind to the canvas. Each layer will cover the previous layer, so you may have to wait for each layer to dry before outlining more objects.

4. Paint a variety of shades, and use some random lines and colors to add more vibrancy to the work. Step back from time to time and think about where the eye is drawn as you paint more elements on the canvass. Try to balance the elements in the composition to make it more pleasing to the eye.

5. Paint until you have run out of ideas or elements you wish to include. Leave the painting area and reexamine the work with fresh eyes at a later point. Make any adjustments you feel it needs, including the addition of more layers and objects if necessary.

6. Let the painting dry for several weeks or even months if the paint is thick.