Friday, September 19, 2014

Color Comic Books In Illustrator

Illustrator, published by Adobe, is one of the most widely used vector graphics programs on the market. It is employed for a number of purposes, from designing logos to making simple animations. One thing it is especially effective for is book illustration. For example, if you want to color a comic book, this is easily done using the tools and features of Illustrator.


1. Open Adobe Illustrator. Select "File" and click "New." In the dialog that appears, enter the width and height of your document and click "OK."

2. Select the "Pen" tool from the toolbar on the left. Use the tool to add points defining a shape in your comic book, such as a character's forearm of a tree trunk.

3. Select the "Gradient" tool from the toolbar. Double-click on the shape you drew to apply the gradient.

4. Go to the end of the gradient bar that appears and rotate it to match the direction you want for the shading on the part. Keep in mind where the light is supposed to be coming from in your scene.

5. Click on the triangular tabs to choose the colors for the gradient. Repeat this process to create all the other parts in your scene. Save your work.