Monday, November 16, 2015

Change A Photo Into A Painting

You can change photos into images that look like paintings using Photoshop.

You can change a photo into an image that looks like a painting easily using Adobe Photoshop. This is the most commonly used professional photo-editing software available. Most professional photographers and designers utilize Photoshop when applying effects to images. You can take a photo of anything, manipulate it in Photoshop to look like a painting, and then send it to the print to get a full-size print of your altered image.


1. Click on "File" in the toolbar in Photoshop. Select "Open File" from the menu. From the list of files on your hard drive, navigate to the file that you want to change into a painting. Click on the file that you want to work on, and when it becomes highlighted, click on "Open" at the bottom of the window to have it open in a Photoshop screen.

2. Click on your file in the "Layers" window. Click on the "Layers" menu, and select "Duplicate Layer." Do this twice so that you have two extra versions of your image. Click on the eyeball icon next to your original layer to turn it off.

3. Click on "Filters" at the top of the screen. From the menu, pull your mouse down to the "Artistic" section of filters to open the next sub-menu. Then, click on "Watercolor."

4. Adjust the three primary parameters of the Watercolor filter. You can change the brush detail, the shadow intensity or the texture of the effect by pulling the sliders on the window on the right hand side of the screen. Play with these settings until you have a look that you are happy with, and then click "OK" at the top of the filter window.

5. Print your image. If you print it from a home printer, you will only be able to achieve results of a certain size and quality. If you want a larger print of your painting, you will need to contact a professional printing company and ask them about printing a larger version of your image.