Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Draw Room Decor

A one perspective room starts with a small square at the center.

Decorating a room means bringing together colors, patterns, shapes and sizes to complete a design idea. Furniture, televisions, wood floors, Grandma's painting of a flower, and framed pictures all come together to create a room decor. To draw room decor, a person thinks of shapes inside the room. A square table for instance when looking at it from a distance, is a trapezoid with legs. The same shape is made with a mounted television on the wall but the trapezoid is now horizontal. Creating these shapes is essential to drawing and designing room decor.


1. Draw a rectangle in the center of a blank sheet of paper. Turn the paper sideways for landscape style drawing. Draw the rectangle to be 3 times smaller than the size of the paper itself.

2. Draw lines from the corner of your paper to the corner of the rectangle. Use a ruler to create crisp, sharp lines to each corner of the rectangle. This is a one-perspective room that now needs furniture.

3. Create a straight, horizontal line in the center of your room's floor. Now draw a parallel line 2 inches above the the first line, but make the second line slightly smaller, then center it to the first line. In order to create the top of a table, the first line must be wider than the second.

4. Draw two lines connecting the the first line to the second line, creating a trapezoid. This is the top of a table.

5. Draw a rectangle using the first line as a top line for the shape. Now draw two thin vertical rectangles on each corner of the table top. Draw two lines from the ends of the vertical rectangles to the second line that are parallel to the two lines connecting to the back of the room.

6. Create a new vertical line on the right side of the room in the center of the wall. On the left side of the first line, measure 2 inches or longer and create a second line. Then draw lines from the first line to the second, creating a new trapezoid like the table.

7. Frame the trapezoid with a larger trapezoid around the first by drawing longer lines parallel to each side of the shape. Inside the trapezoid, draw a small picture of some kind following the same perspective points as the room. This means draw the right side of the picture larger than the left.

8. Add more room decor following these same perspective rules. For other pieces of room decor, add chairs, televisions, rugs, and wall art. See resources for more perspective drawings on room decor.