Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Draw Cave People

Cave dwellers used the walls as their artistic canvas.

In 1940, some children stumbled across a hidden cave in Lascaux, France. Inside, there were drawings of bulls, horses and people created by ancient cave dwellers. Cave art, or rock art, is the drawing of figures via pictographs or petroglyphs, engravings in the stone. The most common pictures drawn by cave dwellers were of animals. However, they also drew humans. These depictions of humans are rudimentary and often look like stick figures. Draw your own cave people just as the ancient artists did.


Cave Person

1. Purchase some charcoal sticks from a craft store, or find some cooled charcoal from a fire pit. Choose a surface.

2. Draw a large rectangle. At the top center of the rectangle, draw a short line upward to represent a neck.

3. Create a small oval at the top of the neck to represent the head.

4. Make two lines that protrude from the two top corners of the rectangle to represent arms. Make the arms straight or put jagged bends in them to represent elbows. Draw five short lines coming from the ends of the arms to represent hands.

5. Draw two lines that come from the two bottom corners of the rectangle to represent legs. Put sharp bends in the legs at the knees. Add short, horizontal lines from the ends of the legs to represent feet.


6. Draw a large circle with the charcoal. Add designs, such as jagged lines, zigzags or triangles, to the inside of the circle.

7. Make a short line upward and centered from the top of the circle to represent the hunter's neck. Draw a small oval at the top of the neck for the head.

8. Draw two vertical lines coming from the bottom of the circle to represent legs. Make two small lines perpendicular to the legs and protruding from the ends of the legs for feet.

9. Draw a straight, vertical line beside the hunter. Draw a curved line whose ends meet the ends of the straight line. This will look like a bow.

10. Draw another straight line across the bow in any direction desired. Draw a small triangle at the top of the line to represent an arrowhead. Create tiny lines pointing outward and protruding from the bottom of the line to make arrow feathers.