Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Remove Negative Newspaper Articles From The Web

Newspapers are still influential in many communities, read and discussed by a significant percentage of the population. Modern papers largely use two methods to disseminate the news: in the printed product and through a website. Sometimes, for various reasons, a reader or readers may object to a newspaper story. There is no way to take back a product that has been printed and distributed, but it might be possible to get a "negative" story removed from the newspaper's website. The best way for most people to quickly accomplish this is to gather information, contact the right person and ask.


1. Go online to the newspaper's website. Find the objectionable story, and keep it open in a browser window.

2. Open a new browser window, and go to the newspaper website. Seek a link to a staff directory, and open it.

3. Focus on the names of people who work in the newsroom. Two in particular will be of interest: The one in charge of the staff (usually the "editor" or "managing editor") and the one who most closely monitors the website content ("web editor," "online content coordinator" or some similar title).

4. Try contacting the main newsroom manager by telephone first. If the staff directory lists individual phone numbers for employees, dial that number. If not, dial the newspaper's central number and ask for the manager by name.

5. If the head newsroom manager cannot be reached immediately, attempt to telephone the website content manager.

6. Once connected with an editor, state your case politely, but firmly. Articles may be considered "negative" for many reasons; be prepared to say why this content is objectionable and should be removed.

7. Offer to email the editor a link to the article in question if that will help smooth the process.

8. Be prepared to stay on the telephone until you get an answer. Remain calm and courteous, but consider what your next step should be if the request is refused. Possibilities for future actions vary widely depending on the circumstances.