Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Create Your Own Anime Character Profile

Creating a anime character profile is more involved than many people realize.

Creating an anime character profile is more involved than it seems at first. To really create rich characters in a story, you as the author or creator of the anime must know all the details of their lives, even if you do not put every detail into the anime. There are many aspects to real people, so there should also be real aspects to each of your anime characters. A character profile not only helps the story flow better and sound more believable, but it also helps you, the anime creator, keep track of your characters so that they do not say or do anything inconsistent.


1. Create the basic statistics for the character on a piece of paper. You can also enter the information into a spreadsheet or document on the computer. Write down the name, age, nationality, income range, residence, birth city, relationship ability, occupation, any significant others, any family members, birth order and any talents the person has.

2. Make a list of the physical characteristics of the character as well. Note height, weight, color of eyes, race, color of hair, face shape, face tint, if she wears glasses, best qualities, worst qualities, health conditions, frequent habits, physical features, type of clothing usually worn, speech patterns, mannerisms or disabilities.

3. Write down the base personality of that character. Provide his education, intelligence, what he finds embarrassing, what he finds amusing, the character's self esteem, how people actually see him, long-term goals, any short-term goals and any major life-changing experiences.

4. Write down the emotions that the character feels. What makes her happy, angry or sad? What does she find frightening or motivating? Does the character act polite or rude to others? How would the character react to a tragedy or happy event?

5. Make a list of the character's spiritual beliefs. If there is a fantasy religious system in your anime, then make sure to include those deities. Indicate whether the character is involved in the religion or if it is something not important to the character.

6. List the role the character plays in the story. List how he interacts with main characters and side characters.