Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sketch A Koala Bear

The koala bear is a popular creature to recreate.

Native to the eastern and southern parts of Australia, the koala bear is a marsupial who spends most of its time either asleep or feasting on eucalyptus leaves. Its large ears and lengthy limbs make the koala bear a popular character to sketch. Whether clinging to a tree, hanging with one of its mates or chewing on leaves, learn to draw the koala bear in minutes.


1. Erase any mistakes that you make in the creation of the sketch.

Sketch a medium-sized circle to as the starting point for the koala's head. Draw two curved half circles extending from the top sides of the circle for ears. Create an oval that extends from the bottom of the circular head to form the koala's body.

2. This popular marsupial has a loveable face that's simple to sketch.

Sketch a left curved angle at the center of the oval body. Draw a lengthwise oval at the angle's bottom point to create the koala's foot. Add a straight line extending from the top of the body oval downwards, curving outwards at the end to create the front leg of the sideways-facing koala bear. Complete this step again to the left of the newly drawn leg to create the second front leg.

3. Practice sketching with this popular animal basic.

Outline the head in a subtly zigzag pattern to add a textured appearance. Draw two small circles within the circular head to create the koala's eyes. Draw an oval at the center to complete the snout. Sketch two half circles at the bottom sides of the oval snout for nostrils. Complete the koala's mouth with a lengthwise oval beneath the snout.

4. Thick and fuzzy ash colored fur are characteristic of the koala bear.

Create a zigzag pattern around the body to add texture to the image. Add toenails with pointed triangular sketches at the bottom oval and remaining front facing legs. Draw a half circle at the backside of the oval body for a small tail.

5. A colored finish can help complete the look of the koala sketch.

Erase any unnecessary lines to create a clean and finished sketch of the koala bear. Color the koala bear an ash gray or light brown to complete the sketch using colored pencils if desired.