Mad Scientist caricature
Think simplicity when drawing goofy faces. Determine the head shape: egg, potato, balloon, eclipse. Look at the eyes. Sketch out silly ones: bugged out, surprised or droopy. Consider eyebrows: unruly, skimpy, or thick. Develop various noses: snobby and stuck up or strong and pointed. Make faces in the mirror. Add to the facial collection, lips: pouty and puffy or puckered and diminutive. Now, put pencil to paper and make your own goofy faces.
1. Draw an oval or circle on paper. If necessary, find a household item and trace around it. Divide the drawn shape in half vertically. Next, divide the shape in half horizontally. Add eyes on the horizontal line. Sketch big, round eyes with huge, bulging eyeballs. Above, draw unruly eyebrows. Use the letter C for a nose. Position it halfway between the eyebrows and chin. The letter C can be squished, cartoon-like, or bulbous to determine the character's attitude.
2. Add a mouth to the face with a single, straight line one-third the way down from the nose. Draw a U under the line to have the character stick out his tongue. Change facial features for various goofy looks. Make the head shape, irregular like a sweet potato with a protruding chin. Change the look. Draw a large balloon giving the character a high forehead and a receding chin. Change the size and shape of the nose to show haughtiness.
3. Portray a person in caricature. Draw from a magazine, photograph, or the actual person. Bring out certain features with distortion. Exaggerate behavioral qualities. Another approach is to minimize features. Areas to focus on are the nose, mouth, eyes, forehead, hair, and chin. Look intently at the face you wish to put in caricature. Apply simple bold lines like in cartoons. Keep them varied. Lightly draw the outline of face. Change the shape as the drawing progresses.
4. Locate the most prominent facial feature; bushy eyebrows, large chin, bags under the eyes, puffy lips. Consider this and work around it. Never lose the likeness of the original face. Start with the top of the eyes. Move downward to sketch facial elements. After the mouth, go to the cut of the chin before cheeks and jaw. Build up cheek form into the original outline. Afterward, work on details such as eyebrows, freckles, glasses or facial hair.
5. Create a goofy self-portrait. Stand in front of the mirror. Put the sketch pad on a flat surface. Go ahead make a funny face. Begin with the outline of your face. Draw quickly. Don't worry about accuracy. Add glasses or freckles. Consider wild or bed head hair or maybe a Mohawk. Exaggerate your eyelashes or lips. For a silly effect, draw prickly or droopy ears.
6. Play with an interactive online drawing generator (see Resources). You are the artist. Start with the shape of the skull. Work on the types of hair. Move on to the eyebrows and eyes. Play with the type of nose. Square off or elongate the chin. Put in other small details to make it original. When you are finished, email your drawing to your friends and family with a message.