Friday, November 6, 2015

Surrealism Art Projects For Middle School

Surrealism often appears to present dream images or a world of absurdities.

Surrealism is an art movement that began in the early 1920s. The artist Andre Breton founded this art form as a way to express revolutionary political views. Since that time, Surrealism has spread throughout the world as a respected art form. Juxtapose, or an element of surprise, is a main objective when using this style. Dadaism and symbolism are incorporated into the painting's main idea to express a belief or vision. Teaching young artists this genre of painting will enhance their ability to express thoughts on the world around them.

Create a Cyborg Skull

This project will require a drawing pencil, drawing paper, colored markers and/or pencils and access to a library (an online library is ideal). Have students begin by drawing a skull shape on their paper. You may wish to print one out from the Internet and give each student a copy. Show students samples of modern surrealism artists, such as H.R. Giger, to give them ideas for their own skull design. Machines and objects found in nature should be incorporated into the design. Students should then sketch a rough draft of what they want their skull to look like. Using markers and pencils, have them create a Cyborg Skull of their own.

Surrealistic Pen and Ink Montage

You will need the following materials for this project: magazines, scissors, craft knives, rubber cement, poster board, drawing paper, drawing pencils, India ink and quill tip pens. Begin by asking students to look through magazines for interesting objects and develop a theme. Use a craft knife to cut out objects. Arrange objects on poster board to create a surrealistic collage. Glue the objects into place. Ask students to enlarge portions of their collage onto drawing paper in pencil. Once the sketch is complete, use pen and ink to detail the drawing. Use hatching, cross-hatching and other techniques to create a surrealistic montage.

Surrealistic Face Painting

Tempura or acrylic paint in basic colors, canvas board, paint brush (#12 flat), plastic palette knives, palette, pencil, graphite paper, hair comb, paper towels, tape and a black felt pen are needed for this project. Choose a face pattern to apply to the canvas. Graphite paper should be placed, graphite side down, between the canvas and the pattern. Use a drawing pencil to trace the pattern onto canvas. On a palette, mix paints to create colors for painting the face, hair and background. As soon as the hair has been painted in with a palette knife, use a comb to create texture by combing it across the paint. Allow the paint to dry, then use paper towel to dab on soft patches of color. Add detail by outlining portions of the painting with felt tip pen.

Surreal Hands Painting

You will need the following materials to complete this project: white drawing paper, pencils, erasers, ultra-fine markers, colored pencils and handouts of examples by Rene Magritte and/or Salvadore Dali. Have students begin by drawing an open hand onto their paper, using their own hand for a guide. Draw objects sitting on the hand and in the background. Use ultra-fine markers to outline the drawing. Render with colored pencils. Perspective and attention to detail are important in this project.