Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Polish Aluminum To A Mirror Finish

Polish Aluminum to a Mirror Finish

Well-polished aluminum can look like chrome but it takes time and patience to get the glossy mirror finish. You will need to work methodically to get this shiny finish. The main thing to keep in mind when you are polishing aluminum is that the smoother you get the aluminum, the more mirror-like it will be when you are finished.


1. Wash the aluminum using a liquid dish detergent. This will remove any debris, which makes polishing the aluminum easier. Allow it to dry completely.

2. Check the aluminum for anodizing. This is a substance that makes aluminum look brushed. Use regular oven cleaner to remove the anodizing. Spray the oven cleaner on the aluminum and leave it alone for 10 minutes (less time if the aluminum is thin). Wipe the anodized areas with the towel using a circular swirling motion to remove the oven cleaner. When the anodizing is removed, the area will look very bad. This is normal. Rinse the aluminum with clean water, then dry the area.

3. Clean the aluminum with paint thinner. This prepares the aluminum for sanding. You should pour paint thinner onto a clean towel and wipe the aluminum in a small circular pattern. Rinse the aluminum off with clean water.

4. Sand the aluminum using 320 grit sand paper. Wet the sand paper and the aluminum and begin sanding. This is called wet sanding. Take your time and make sure that you sand the entire surface.

5. Continue sanding using the same method with sand paper of higher grit. For example, use 400 grit, then 600 grit followed by 800 grit, then 1200 grit and finally 2000 grit. With each new grit, you should remove all the marks from the previous grit. By the time you get to the 2000 grit, the aluminum will be very smooth.

6. Buff the aluminum using a buffing pad and brown cutting compound. Use circular motions. After you buff using the brown cutting compound, rebuff using a clean buffing pad and rouge cutting compound.

7. Wipe the aluminum off with a flannel or chamois cloth. This will remove fingerprints and smudges.