Become your favorite anime character.
Bring the world of Japanese anime into your own by transforming yourself into your favorite anime character. Turning into an anime character is easier than you might think; all you need is a little bit of information about the character and a lot of imagination. Although you can't actually become an anime character, you take steps to can dress and act like your favorite character.
1. Select which anime character you would like to become. For best results, choose a mainstream anime character that you can get information about.
2. Research the anime character. Watch shows, films or read manga that your chosen anime character appears in. If possible, purchase books about your character's personality. The more you know about the anime character, the easier it is to become him or her.
3. Purchase a costume that mimics the wardrobe of your anime character. If you can't find a costume designed specifically for your character, purchase articles of clothing (or find some in your closet) that reflect the clothes your anime character would wear.
4. If your anime character has colored hair, use temporary hair dye to color your hair. Put on any makeup, if applicable, to mimic the look of your anime character.
5. Put on your anime costume. Use your research from step 2 to talk and act like your anime character.