Thursday, December 24, 2015

Draw Cartoon Faces Stepbystep

Cartoon face

Cartoons are a fun and relaxed way to look at anything, be it a person or an object and drawing is a great way to unleash your creativity. Learn to use a framework onto which you can build to your drawing. Learn to use reference for inspiration and accuracy.


Framework and Sketching

1. Draw a large circle that will act as the head of your cartoon face. Stay loose when sketching and keep your pencil lines faint.

2. Draw one vertical line down the middle of the head and one horizontal line across the middle of the head to make a cross. Draw two circles across the horizontal line on either side of the vertical line to act as eyes.

3. Draw a triangle or semicircle to act as the nose on the vertical line below the horizontal line. Below the nose draw a line to act as the mouth. On either side of the head where the horizontal line touches the sides draw two semi circles attached to the head. These shapes will be the ears.

4. Draw nostrils on the nose and draw small circles for pupils in the eyes. Now add some hair, have some fun with this part and perhaps come up with your own crazy hairstyle. Remember to stay loose and faint with your pencil lines.

5. Take your fine liner pen and draw over the pencil lines you want to keep. Take care with this step as mistakes cannot be erased. Wait a few moments for the pen ink to draw before erasing the pencil lines to avoid smudging. You should be left with a clean line drawing of a cartoon face.

6. Add some color to your image to make it eye catching. Marker pens work well when coloring in. Use paints, pencils or crayons as well.