Monday, February 2, 2015

Store Children'S Artwork And Not Allow It Be Cluttered

Being a mother to three children, I can say I have my share of artwork around the home. IN the office, the refrigerator, the walls, the doors and anywhere else they want to place them.


1. Sometimes I walk through the home and it feels so cluttered to me, so try to take some of the artwork down without them noticing. I don't want to upset them or make them think I do not like their beautiful drawings so I have found clever ways to store their creations.

2. I tend to want to save everything my children draw, but since all three of them love to draw, you can guess it is impossible! I go threw their artwork and choose my absolute favorite pieces and place them in a photo album. This not only allows for neater storage but protects the drawings from your everyday normal wear and tear.

3. Then when the get older then can look back on their artwork they did as children and it will still be in great condition. I have created one for each of them and place their name on the front cover. This way they always know which one is theirs.

4. Another way I store their artwork is in a binder. I can not bring myself to through away their creations so I punch holes in the pages and fill up binders full of their precious work. Again I place their name on the front cover of the binder so they know which one is theirs. Binders and photo albums can hold so many pieces of artwork it is a great way to reduce clutter in your home of their creations.

5. Of course we have countless pieces of artwork on the refrigerator! I place seasonal work they do from school on the refrigerator. This helps us feel the season and it looks cute. Once the season is over I replace it with newer work and then place that work int he binder.

6. For pieces that are bigger then binder or photo album size, i have it laminated. You can laminate at home or bring it into an office supply store and have them do it there. It does not cost to much and it preserves the work nicely. I have a special plastic storage container I place this work into.

7. When my children are older they can look back at their work and see how proud I was of them for all the drawings they created. I love knowing it will put a smile on their faces!