Monday, February 2, 2015

Draw A Mouse For Kids

Mice can breed six weeks after they're born.

Drawing mice is a fun activity for kids that also gives parents an opportunity to teach both art and zoology. Kids can easily digest and enjoy the following mice trivia. After learning to draw a mouse, you can relate these facts to your child while showing her draw the mouse herself.

Mice are small rodents that can live up to two years in the wild, or up to six years if they're pets. Female mice can have eight litters per year, with four to seven baby mice (called "pups.") per litter. The pups grow fur ten days after they're born, then leave the nest three weeks after they're born.


1. Begin making the mouse's body: Lightly draw three squares, each one connected directly to the right of the previous one. The resulting shape should appear as a single rectangle with three divisions of equal size.

2. Curve the top of the mouse's body: Plot a point slightly above the top right point of square 2. Then, draw a smooth curve that arcs from the top left point of square 2, goes through the point you just plotted, and ends at the top right point of square 3.

3. Curve the bottom of the mouse's body: Draw a smooth curve that begins a little above the bottom left point of square 2, goes through the bottom right point of square 2, and ends a little above the bottom right point of square 3.

4. Make the hindquarters: Draw a curve that starts at the right point of the mouse's bottom; arcs upward and slightly right, then connects with the right point of the mouse's top.

5. Begin the head: Plot a point midway between square 1's top left and bottom left points. This point is the tip of the nose.

6. Draw a straight line connecting the nose tip to the top right point of square 1. (This will make the line connect with the mouse's body top.)

7. Make the bottom of the head: Draw a curve the starts at the nose tip and arcs right and down to connect with the left point of the smooth curve you drew in Step 3.

8. Make the eye: Lightly draw a guideline connecting the midpoints of square 1's left and right edges. Then, draw a large oval (about 1/4 the length of a square side) that sits on this guideline. Place the oval midway between square 1's left and right edges. Ensure the oval's height is greater than its width, and blacken the oval completely.

9. Form the ear: Draw an oval just above and to the right of the eye. Ensure the ear is about three times the size of the eye.

10. Make paws: Draw ovals slightly smaller than the eye, placing them at the following locations--slightly below square 1's bottom right point, and slightly below and to the right of square 2's bottom right point. Draw the legs as two parallel lines that start at the paws' right sides, move up and right, and end when they reach the bottom of the body.

11. Create the tail: Snake a long, meandering curve from the right point of Step 3's curve (the bottom of the body), to wherever you like. Ensure the tail length is at least one and a half times the body length.

12. Make the whiskers: Draw several small curves, each of which sprouts upward or downward from the nose tip.

13. Complete the mouse by erasing the squares.