Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Draw Cartoon Babies Stepbystep

Cartoon lines do not have to be perfect to be right.

Cartoons are simplified iconic images. Great cartoons are generic and remind us of the similarities between the image and the subject in our own life. To draw a cartoon baby, we focus on the similarities in babies. Babies have stubby necks and limbs, big eyes, diapers and pacifiers, so those are things we should include in our cartoon. Drawing a cartoon is about taking simple geometric shapes and connecting them with curvy and straight lines to create body parts. None of the shapes should be perfect because the imperfections will give the cartoon originality.


1. Do not use a ruler because cartoons are not perfect.

Draw a rectangle on the paper to be the total size of the baby. Draw a vertical line which cuts the rectangle in half. Draw a horizontal line which cuts the rectangle in half.

2. Make a circle for the baby's head in the upper left-hand space. Make a circle for the baby's diaper in the middle of the right side of the rectangle.

3. Connect the baby's head to its diaper using a rounded line for the back which starts at the middle of the head and ends at the middle of the diaper. Make the baby's chest using a line that starts at the bottom of the head and rounds downward ending at the diaper.

4. Make the baby's thigh by first placing a circle in the middle of the diaper, then make lines on either side of the circle down to the bottom of the rectangle and slightly to the right. Make the foot with an upright oval in the bottom right corner of the rectangle, and connect the foot to the thigh using a single line which rounds upward.

5. Draw the baby's arm by drawing a circle in the middle of the chest next to the head. Make an oval for the babies hand at the bottom of the rectangle directly underneath the baby's head. Connect the arm to the right side of the hand by placing a line on each side of the circle down to the hand.

6. Draw the baby's right ear by making a "C" shape on the outside of the head directly in the middle. Make the baby's left ear by placing a "C" shape on the outside of the head directly above the top of the right ear. Place a smaller "C" shape inside each ear for detail.

7. Connect the top of the left ear with the bottom of the right ear with a soft line. Place your baby's eyes on this line.

8. Draw the left eye closer to the left ear, and double this amount of room for the right eye from the right ear. Make the eyes big, place a large circle in each eye, and then place a large circle inside each of these circles. Shade between the two circles in each eye for the irises, and leave the pupils white.

9. Draw a "C" shape nose just below and between the eyes. Draw eyebrows with a single rounded line above each eye which follows the shape of the eyes. Draw a curl of hair at the top of the head and a curl of hair beside the right ear.

10. Draw the pacifier by making a heart shape with a round bottom just below the nose. Make the handle of the pacifier with a downward facing "C" shape. Draw a small smile coming from the right side of the pacifier halfway up to the right eye.

11. Draw a pinkie finger for the hand using a long "C" shape facing left. Draw a pinkie toe using an upward facing "C" shape.

12. Erase your guide lines leaving only the shapes that look good on the baby. Make a rectangle for diaper tape, and make two eyelashes on the outside middle of each eye.

13. Go over the final outline with a fine permanent marker. Erase all the pencil. Your cartoon baby is complete.