Monday, April 20, 2015

Make Aceo Cards

Baseball cards are a type of art card.

The concept of ACEO cards was created as a means for artists and art lovers to easily create, share and collect art. ACEO is an acronym for Art Cards, Editions and Originals. Art cards are a way to create miniature works of art; they have been popular since the 16th century, writes Arrachme, a visual artist, teacher and a professional interior designer in an article on the Fine Art America website. Since then, both original one-off art cards and commercially printed works such as baseball cards have been produced. A group of modern artists, inspired by the portability and possibilities of art cards, started swapping and selling their own work as art cards. They decided on a set size of 3.5 inches by 2.5 inches and calling them ACEO.


1. Decide upon the medium the cards are going to be created in -- oils, water or acrylic paints, pencil, pastels or mixed media. Any medium can be used.

2. Select paper to suit the medium. Oil paints or watercolor paints will need special oil or water color papers for example.

3. Cut the paper to 3 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches.

4. Paint, draw or print your image onto the card.