Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Learn Style Activities

There are three main learning styles. Most people learn best in one of these three ways: visual, auditory and tactile/kinesthetic. Different individuals learn in different ways. Furthermore, different material can be presented best in different formats. Incorporating strategies for each learning style will ensure you are teaching all students.


Adapting Instruction for Visual Learners

1. Use graphic organizers often. This will add to students' understanding as well as aiding their memories.

2. Use graphs and diagrams. These help students in analyzing data.

3. Use handouts whenever possible.

4. Use videos. Websites such as BrainPop provide videos on just about any academic subject.

5. Use as much visual information with lectures as possible. Illustrations, diagrams, word lists or other visual representations will help visual learners assimilate auditory information more readily.

Adapting Instruction for Auditory Learners

6. Allow students to record themselves reading aloud with MP3 recorder or other audio recorder, when independent reading is required.

7. Use audio recordings of textbooks whenever possible.

8. Use cooperative peer or group activities often. Discussing information with a peer is helpful to auditory learners.

9. Give directions verbally in addition to visual directions.

10. Put information into a rhythmic format, such as a song, rap or poem.

Adapting Instruction for Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners

11. Use concrete objects, such as manipulatives in math.

12. Use carousel activities. This is where a teacher puts chart paper on the wall in several different spots around the room and students must add answers to the charts. This gets them up and moving and also provides a visual cue as well.

13. Make word sorts or information sorts that students can manipulate. This can be done with almost any subject, but is especially effective with vocabulary.

14. Use different textures when possible. Raised letters, fabrics and sandpaper can be incorporated in many different activities.

15. Use as many hands-on experiments as possible--especially in science.