Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Make A Collage With An Acrylic Medium

Small bits of paper create a collage that displays an image.

Collages are a creative way to combine paint, photos, drawings and other media. An acrylic medium can be used in a variety of ways. An acrylic medium can add texture to paint, adhere photos or paper to the canvas and act as a protective coating. Acrylic mediums come in matte, gloss and super gloss finishes and can be a gel or liquid consistency. Use an acrylic medium in your next collage project for a smooth, professional look.


1. Select a color or colors of acrylic paint for the background of your collage. It is likely that some of the canvas will show through under your collage. Choose a color that coordinates with media that you will be using in your collage.

2. Pour a quarter-sized amount of paint onto the plastic plate. Mix in a dime-sized portion of acrylic medium with a paint brush.

3. Paint the canvas with the acrylic paint and acrylic medium concoction. Mix coordinating colors together to make the background more interesting. Let the canvas dry.

4. Place your images and other media onto the canvas after it is dry to the touch. Move the pieces around until you are pleased with the layout. Gently remove the media and set them to the side. Lay the pieces out in an order that will help you remember where you had them placed on the canvas.

5. Squirt a generous amount of acrylic medium onto a clean plastic plate. Dip your brush into the acrylic and paint onto the portion of canvas where your first piece will go. Place the media onto the canvas. Smooth the media with your fingers or a craft roller.

6. Continue to layer the pieces in a similar manner.

7. When finished, dip a wide foam brush into the acrylic medium. Coat the entire surface of the canvas to seal the collage. Use a glossy acrylic medium for a polished look.