Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Make A Stick Figure Costume

Make your own innovative stick figure Halloween costume.

Turning yourself into a stick figure for Halloween only requires an easy-to-do costume. Your white clothes will reflect light in the dark, leaving the stick-figure markings dark. Dress everyone in a group stick-family costume, or go further and design a stick-skeleton by adding hip, shoulder and rib bones.


1. Use a dinner plate as a template to draw a circle on the foam board. Draw a second circle three inches inside the first. The second circle should be big enough to fit around your face without obstructing your vision or breathing but not big enough for your entire head to fit through. Cut out both circles so that you have a circle with a hole in the middle. Punch two holes in the circle toward the outer rim adjacent from each other. Cut two 18-inch pieces of string. Tie one through each hole. You will tie the strings around your head to wear the circle like a mask. Outline this circle mask with black duct tape centered between the inner and outer rims.

2. Put on the white turtleneck, pants, socks, shoes and gloves. It is easiest to make the lines for your stick-figure costume if you have the help of a friend while you are wearing the costume base. The clothing should be tight-fitting. Tuck the bottom of your pants into your socks and the wrists of your shirt into your gloves.

3. Have a friend place a long piece of duct tape from the top of the turtleneck down the center of your body to your hips. Place two more pieces of duct tape, attached to the first down the front of each leg, from the hip, down your legs, over your ankles, ending at the tip of your shoes. Repeat with two more strips of duct tape, attached to the strip down the middle of your body, going across your shoulders and down the arm of your turtleneck, ending on the gloves at the base of your fingers. Use electrical tape to form stick-figure fingers by taping down the top of each glove finger and thumb.