Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Make A Stick Figure

Stick people are often the first representation of human figures that children learn to draw. The proportions on this type of drawing usually have nothing to do with actual human figures--the most important part of a stick figure is that it may be easily recognized for what it is supposed to represent. Drawing a person accurately and to scale is a very different, much more complicated task.


1. Draw a circle for the head.

2. Draw a stick protruding from the bottom of the head. The stick should be approximately twice as long as the diameter of the head. This is the body.

3. Midway down the body (or just above the midway point) draw two sticks (one pointing to the right and one pointing to the left) approximately half as long as the body. These are the arms. They may be angled up or down.

4. At the bottom of the body, draw two sticks approximately the same length as the arms. These sticks represent the legs. They should be angled downward, pointing out and away from each other.