Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Make Grain Coated Art Clay Art

The ancient art of clay art is still stunning in every sense, and seed ornaments on crafts add texture and an exquisite outlook.


1. Format the clay into a preferred animal or bird model; paying attention to prominent features such as the eyes, the mouth or beak.

2. Allow the clay model to dry completely before commencing the next phase. Design the artifact's outlook and determine the varying types of seeds and the model position that will suite each seed type.

3. Collect various grain textures and colors required for the project and lay out a designed outlook of the seed arrangements for the clay model. When the artifact has dried completely, apply glue to small portions of the model then attach the seed to the glued clay model portion according to your article design. Applications of glue in small portions allow you to apply seed to the clay model in time, before the glue dries out.

4. Arrange seed patterns on the model according to the designed outlook, and ensure that the seeds form a flowing sequence and the heavy or fuller part of the seed should generally face downward to enhance a flowing outlook. The seeds should be in single layers but may overlap slightly to in order to sufficiently cover the clay.

5. Allow the glued seeds to dry. It recommended that you place this craft in a secluded place so that the seeds are not brushed off accidentally before they dry.

6. Examine the clay model's Grain Coated Texture and fix any patches that may not be covered sufficiently. Allow the artifact to dry.

7. Place the article a most suitable place that is not excessively wet.