Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Studio Art Degrees

Studio-art-degree classes help develop and sharpen students' artistic skills.

A philosopher might rightly point out that art is all around us -- in nature and in man-made creations. Tapping into art that surrounds us might start with interest in an art career in one of many potential areas of specialty. Studio art degrees entail higher education and training in works of art, such as paintings, sculpture, and photography; and in design arts, including architecture, interior design and graphic design. Studio art degrees can lead to a satisfying career as a professional artist or designer.

Bachelor of Arts Degree

Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree programs with a major in studio arts are generally geared toward providing a well-rounded liberal arts education. These programs offer courses outside the studio art curriculum, such as, English, social sciences, history, humanities, mathematics and natural sciences. BA studio arts programs are best suited to students with academic interests and goals apart from studio arts areas of specialization, like drawing, painting or printmaking.

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree

The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (BFA) in studio art programs prepare students for careers in the visual arts or as independent visual artists. The program also prepares students for graduate studies. BFA course options include photography, graphic design, drawing, ceramics, painting, printmaking and 3-D studies. Completion of the BFA degree in studio art can lead to careers in graphic design and the fine arts, including painting, sculpture or illustration.

Master of Arts Degree

Master of Arts (MA) studio art programs offer academic study and practical training, as well as preparation in portfolio production. Courses include drawing, design, photography, new media and 3-D studies. Under the guidance of art professors, students broaden their knowledge of art and sharpen their artistic skills.

Master of Fine Arts Degree

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degrees in studio art programs are usually based on the student's area of interest and undergraduate training. Professors advise students to help enhance their individual development and professional competency in the arts. Successful completion of the MFA program affirms a student's mastery of studio art production.