Monday, October 26, 2015

Draw Stick Figures Fighting

A stick figure is the most basic way to draw a person. They consist of circles or ovals for the heads and lines or "sticks" for the bodies and limbs. By drawing these circles, ovals and lines in various orientations, a wide range of body motions can be portrayed. If you want to draw two stick figures fighting, make it look realistic with one on the offensive and one on the defensive.


1. Draw two ovals for the stick figures' heads. Make them about half-an-inch apart with one leaning inwards and one leaning back. The person leaning inwards will be the one throwing a punch and the person leaning back will be the one defending himself.

2. Draw two diagonal lines, one under each head, to represent the bodies. The diagonal lines should both be on the same angle with equal distances between them from top to bottom, but the line under the inwards-facing head should be the closest to the middle at the top and the line under the other head should be the closest to the middle at the bottom. This will make the person throwing a punch look as though he is leaning towards his opponent while the person defending himself will look as though he is leaning back.

3. Draw an upside-down "V" under each line to represent the legs. These should be straight to make it look as though both figures have their feet planted firmly on the ground.

4. Draw two lines, both on 90 degree angles and slightly offset from one another, about one-third of the way down the body from the head. The horizontal portion of the lines should be protruding from the body and the vertical portion of the lines should be covering the figures's face and creating a barrier between both heads. These lines represent the stick figure's hands defending his face, while the other figure is throwing a punch.

5. Draw the second figure's arms in the same location and proportions as the first. Make one arm a diagonal line starting from the body and moving up towards the other figure's head. Make the second arm on a diagonal line staring from the body, moving down towards the ground behind him, then back up on an inwards-facing diagonal line, crossing slightly over his body. This will make his one arm look as though it just threw a punch and the other arm look as though it is in the draw back position.