Monday, October 19, 2015

Paint Acrylic Hair

Use paint to make an acrylic wig look more interesting.

According to Alopecia UK Online, acrylic wigs are perfect for wash-and-go wear. One major advantage of acrylic wigs is the low price, which allows the wearer to change styles often. Acrylic wigs also come pre-styled in thousands of colors, hairdos and cuts. These wigs can even be cut and styled by a regular hairdresser to fit the wearer's style. Acrylics wigs can be dyed, but not with conventional hair dye purchased in beauty stores. Hair dye manufactured for human hair will damage the synthetic fibers of the wig. However, acrylic wigs can be dyed very carefully with acrylic paint.


1. Pour one pint of warm water to a large bowl. Begin adding acrylic paint one drop at a time, mixing with a mixing stick or spoon.

2. Stir and add paint until the mixture has the look and texture of melted plastic. The paint should be translucent, but not so watery that it is runny.

3. Place the wig on a wig block and comb it out thoroughly. Apply the paint to the wig with a flat paintbrush. Comb through the hair while applying paint to keep the strands from clumping together. Paint the entire wig in this manner.

4. Let the wig dry for about four hours, combing it occasionally. Rinse the wig in cold water, then let it dry before wearing.