Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Take The Best Pictures

Take effective photos by concentrating on the composition.

Taking the best photos is not as simple as viewing and clicking. It takes proper planning of your composition, and visualizing your result, to shoot high-quality pictures every time. There are many things to take into consideration when setting up a shot, such as the compositional elements, focal point, lighting and focus. Practice incorporating these elements into your picture taking and in no time, they will come to you naturally. You will take the best pictures that will preserve your memories for future generations.


1. Plan the composition of your picture. When composing a picture, think about the elements that will fill the picture plane, such as patterns, textures and lines. Patterns and textures create interest and lines create movement within a picture.

2. Determine the depth of field within the composition. Decide on the focal point, or subject of focus, for your photograph. To place emphasis on the focal point, decrease the depth of field by moving in close and eliminating background and foreground distractions. Only increase the depth of field when the background and foreground compliment the focal point in an interesting way.

3. Decide if you will be shooting the photo vertically or horizontally. Not all photos work well with the standard horizontal picture plane. Shoot vertical to capture subject matter that has some height to prevent cutting off interesting areas.

4. Study the light that is hitting your subject. Avoid lighting that is too bright, which can cast strong shadows on your subject matter or overexpose the photo. Take outdoor photos early in the morning or just before sunset for best results.

5. Decide on the compositional placement of your subject matter. There are occasions where the subject works well in the center of a photo, but strongly consider moving the subject from the dead center. Off-center subjects work well when the background and foreground details create additional interest.

6. Turn on your camera and flash, and focus the camera onto the subject matter. Most cameras focus automatically. Many cameras show a green ready light when the shutter button is pushed half-way down, indicating that the auto focus is ready. Press the shutter button halfway down, center your subject matter in the picture plane, look for the green light if applicable and press the button all the way.