Thursday, October 29, 2015

Silk Screening Techniques

Silk screening is the ideal technique to print brilliant, dynamic images on a variety of materials. Also known as screen printing, the silk screen technique works well on paper, cardboard, T-shirts, plastic, metal, wood and ceramic. There are several methods for making silk screen stencils, or screens, for use in printing with a squeegee and ink.

Basic Silk Screen Technique

In silk screen printing, a stencil of an image is created on a screen fabric that is stretched over a frame. Screen printing ink is placed in the frame and forced through the stencil with a squeegee onto the surface to be printed. There are several techniques available for creating the stencil. Traditionally, the screen fabric used was silk. Today it is more common to use a synthetic screen mesh, readily available at art supply stores or from screen printing suppliers. The synthetic screen mesh is stretched over a frame that is usually made of wood or metal. There are many screen printing inks available. Different inks are used for shirts, paper, metal or wood. Some inks wash up with water, while others clean up with mineral spirits or other solvents.

The Photo Emulsion Stencil

Most commercial silk screen stencils are made with the the photo emulsion technique. This technique involves a light-sensitive emulsion that is evenly spread over synthetic screen mesh. After the emulsion dries, a film positive with the design is placed face down over the screen. Usually a piece of heavy glass is placed over the film positive to ensure close contact between the screen and the image on the film. A bright light is shined on the film positive and emulsion-coated screen. The light hardens the emulsion except where the image on the film blocks it. After exposure to the light, the stencil is developed by spraying with warm water. Excess emulsion may be blotted off the stencil using newsprint. When the stencil is completely dry, it is ready to be used in silk screen printing.

The Paper Stencil Method

The paper stencil method is a good way to try silk screening. It is great for craft projects or beginners. It is easy and inexpensive. The design will be cut from paper using an art knife, such as an exacto knife, or scissors. For a durable stencil, waxed paper is best. Symmetrical designs can be created by folding paper and cutting away from it. The cut out wax paper design is placed on top of the item to be screen printed. A blank silk screen stencil frame is placed over the cut out design and item to be printed. Ink is added and a squeegee is used to force the ink through the stencil.

The Screen Filler Method

The screen filler method is great for designers who can think in terms of composition and negative space. The design can be drawn on a piece of paper with a pencil. Once the design is drawn, the paper is placed under the silk screen stencil. Ideally the bottom of the screen will be above the paper, not touching it, to avoid smearing and blobbing the with the screen filler. The screen filler is carefully painted directly onto the silk screen stencil in the areas where ink will be blocked. Any area left open is where the image will print. Screen filler is available from art supply and craft stores.