Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Draw Toothless From "Train Your Dragon"

Toothless, from the animated film "Train Your Dragon," is a gentle dragon with giant horns that protrude from the back of his head. He is mostly black with speckles of gray scales and a large, friendly smile. You can draw Toothless in just a few minutes, even if you have no experience drawing. Draw your own creations with Toothless or add other characters from the film to enhance the image.


1. Draw a sideways oval to represent Toothless' head and another line that bisects his head from left to right. Draw a third line from the top of his head that continues past the bottom of the oval to represent the direction he is looking and his neck's place. He should now have a plus sign on his face with a line that descends far below the oval.

2. Sketch a rounded block that encircles but touches the outside of the oval. Toothless' head should resemble a round loaf of bread instead of a perfect oval.

3. Draw two hooked slits for nostrils. Draw two large, almond-shaped eyes on the line that bisects the head from left to right. The eyes point toward the nostrils. Draw Toothless' round pupils, which take up roughly a third of each eye. Add a thin line above each eye to form the brow.

4. Draw a stretched-out "W" that begins and ends at each outside corner of his eyes. This represents the mouth.

5. Draw two larger, rounded horns on top of Toothless' head, one on each side. Sketch two smaller horns just to the inside of the previous two, but make them more pointed. These smaller horns look like shark fins protruding from the water. Draw four more smaller horns--two protruding from the back of each side of Toothless' jaw. These horns also resemble shark fins but are more rounded.

6. Draw a thin line from each side of his face sloping outward to create Toothless' neck. The neck is the same width as the head, giving Toothless a very wide neck.