Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Broadway Actor Spend A Workday

How Does a Broadway Actor Spend a Workday?

The Broadway Actor in the Morning

An actor working on Broadway wakes up fairly late in the morning in order to get their determined amount of sleep. Most Broadway actors need at least eight hours of sleep per night and get home between 11 PM and midnight. Depending on how long it takes to wind down after the show, they may not wake up until 10 or 11:00 in the morning. A Broadway actor will eat a healthy breakfast with no dairy or any mucus inducers, such as orange juice or grapefruit juice, to ensure he is on-voice for upcoming shows. After eating breakfast, a Broadway actor may go to the gym, take a dance class, or make a special appearance, be it a morning show, a holiday parade, or a concert at Bryant Park.

The Broadway Actor in the Afternoon

Broadway matinees are generally on Wednesdays, Saturdays, or Sundays, and the show is usually at 2:00 PM. A working Broadway actor should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to curtain. A Broadway actor must sign in on a sheet at the theater to show the administrators and producers he or she has arrived on time. At least 30 minutes is suggested, but many actors need more time to change into costume, makeup, hair, and warm up for the show. Warm-ups may include vocal, breathing, and Alexander Technique exercises, stretching, and meditating. The actor may snack throughout the show or get a late lunch after the show is over, usually stopping to sign autographs at the stage door if he or she leaves the theater to get lunch.

The Broadway Actor at Night

If the Broadway actor is performing on a two-show day, he or she may take a nap between shows, run an errand, or have lunch with other cast mates. If the actor has not performed a matinee, he or she must arrive at the show, again, at "half hour," 30 minutes prior to showtime, which is usually at 8:00 PM, but may be earlier on Tuesdays or Sundays, depending on the show. As it is very important to keep energy up, a Broadway actor may eat a small meal before the show. The actor will then repeat a warm-up technique in the same fashion as the matinee show. If the actor is feeling particularly tired, she may inhale from a steam machine or a cup of hot tea to rest her vocal chords. Many actors who are not feeling up to par may go on "vocal rest," meaning they try not to talk unless they are onstage. After the show, the actor will place soiled costumes in a labeled personal laundry basket for wardrobe to clean overnight. The actor will then leave by way of the stage door, stopping to sign autographs before going home for the night at about 11:00.