Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Homemade Lawn Paint

By using dye, you can ensure that you have an impressive-looking lawn.

Although lawns are supposed to be green, grass doesn't always grow the right color. Because of environmental variables, a lawn may end up being more of a brownish color. However, discoloration can be easily remedied with lawn paint, or lawn dye, which is exactly what it sounds like -- an artificial colored dye for grass. There are a number of commercially made lawn dyes available, but you can make your own at home.


1. Combine the fertilizer and Epsom salt in the large bucket. Mix thoroughly with the stirring stick to ensure an even consistency.

2. Add the green dye to the bucket and stir the mixture thoroughly until it is consistently green.

3. Spread the mixture evenly over the lawn as you would spread fertilizer. This recipe provides enough for approximately 1,000 square feet of grass.

4. Water the lawn lightly to ensure that the dye is effective in coloring the lawn.