Wednesday, November 12, 2014

"Green Eggs & Ham" Art Project Ideas


Green Eggs and Ham" is a classic tale that can be used as a theme for art projects.

"Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss is a classic tale written in 50 words. The story uses vocabulary that is introduced to early readers typically in grades first through third. In the rhyming story, Sam makes several attempts to get his unnamed friend to try green eggs and ham. The story teaches children about trying new things, peer pressure, friendship and patience. Children enjoy the story and can continue their enjoyment of the book with art projects that incorporate the tale of "Green Eggs and Ham."


Download a "Green Eggs and Ham" placemat template from Suessville, Dr. Suess's official website. Have the children color, paint or otherwise decorate the placemat. To foster more creativity, children can create their own placemat without using the template. They can draw or paint green eggs and ham on a plate and include a spot for fork, knife and spoon. Once the placemats are dry, laminate them so the children can use them at home or during school snack time.


Each child should cut a rectangular-shaped piece of white construction paper. The paper should be roughly 4 inches by 7 inches to ensure ample space for younger children to work with. Have the children draw and cut eggs and ham out of green construction paper, and glue the cut-outs to the bookmark. They could also draw their favorite part of the book on their bookmark using crayons. Punch a hole in the top center of the bookmark and add green yarn as a tassel.

Green Eggs and Ham Model

Children can make their own green eggs and ham with modeling clay. Start by including the children in making the clay. To make two pounds of clay, mix together two cups baking soda and one cup cornstarch. Add three drops of green food coloring to one-half cup of cold water, and add to the dry mixture. Knead the mixture together. Repeat the process using different colored food coloring for other variations. Give each child a plate, which will serve as their canvas. The children can use the modeling clay to make their plate of green eggs and ham. The clay will harden at room temperature.

Egg Carton Creatures

Children can create creatures out of egg cartons. Cut the tops off of egg cartons. Flip the cartons upside down, and the children can decide how long to cut the carton to create their own egg carton creature. Children should decorate the egg cartons with paint, markers or crayons. Once dry, they can add googly-eyes and pipe cleaners that can serve as legs or antennae. This art project can be done after the reading the story "Green Eggs and Ham," and can reinforce lessons on recycling.