Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ideas For A Disney Princess Birthday Party

Little girls enjoy dressing up and playing princess.

Your little princess will enjoy a Disney princess themed party. The Disney princesses are popular characters from the Disney films over the years. Belle, Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty are a few of the princesses little girls adore. Throw your little girl a royal princess party that she'll remember for a long time.


When decorating for a princess party, use lots of purple, pink and glittery decorations. Hang pink and purple streamers and balloons. Posters of the Disney princesses will liven up the walls, and place a pink tablecloth on the table. Centerpieces could be a glass slipper, a big sparkly tiara or any Disney princess dolls or toys your daughter has. For fun, hang a wall mirror on the wall so girls can ask it "who the fairest of them all" is. Hang several balloons on the birthday girl's chair and decorate it so she can have her own throne.


Serve dainty food to a party of little princesses. Use cookie cutters to make cutout sandwiches and serve fruit slices on the side. Apple juice will look fancy served in tea cups or plastic stemware. Make heart-shaped sugar cookies with pink icing. For the birthday cake, make a castle cake by stacking two square cakes on top of each other and using inverted ice cream cones for the turrets. Or serve each princess a cupcake decorated with a tiny slipper, jewels or a frosting tiara.

Games and Activities

As girls enter the party, give each sparkly crystals for her face or a dusting of shimmer powder. If you're talented at painting or know someone who is, paint a rose or crown on each girl's cheek with face paint. Tape an index card to each girl's back at the start of the party. Each card will have the name of a princess on it. Girls must ask each other yes or no questions to determine who their princess is. Play Snow White's poison apple game with the girls. Tie a ribbon around one apple and hide several others without adornment. The girls must find the poisoned apple; whoever finds it gets a small prize. Turn on princess movies or music while the party is going on for something to do in between activities.


Fill pink or purple treat bags with princess loot. A plastic tiara, sparkling costume jewelry, body glitter, lip gloss, stickers and hair accessories are all goodies fit for royalty. You'll find lots of Disney princess themed items at a party shop or large-box retailer. Purchase stickers, hair clips, bracelets and other items with that have the princesses on them. Tie the bags with curly ribbons.