Friday, September 18, 2015

Ideas For Modern Wall Decor

The time has come to move beyond the plain white wall. There are so many options out there for people seeking modern wall decor, whether they want to invest in designer pieces or wish to engage in a do-it-yourself project. The modern aesthetic often intermingles form with function, or provides an innovative design twist.


The easiest way to add panache to an empty wall is through color. This can be as simple as painting an accent wall, adding trim or stencils. You can also use wallpaper to add visual interest. Faux finishes and wall murals provide all-over wall decor, while hand-painted trim or borders around door frames or window frames adds a charming crafty vibe. Modern wall decor may feature designer shades such as pumpkin orange, muted lime or modernist black and white. It can also have a retro modern angle, with bold pop art colors and graphics or futurist monochromatic tones.

Wall Art

In a modern decor, the art can be sleek and coordinated, mounted in white or cream mats with matching black gallery frames. Or the look can be more bohemian, with funky flea market finds and repurposed junkyard bits used as wall art. Hardware remnants look fascinating out of context, attached to an old cabinet door and mounted on the wall. Minimalist modern wall art might include abstract, spare compositions or works with geometric shapes. Grouping pieces together is a trend in contemporary wall art. Some people stack several small works vertically, while others might simply prop a large, unframed canvas against the wall. Mod sculptural art or boldly painted tiles are other options.

Utilitarian Objects

Your wall decor can also be useful. Floating shelve are a popular trend, and they can be painted bright colors for added panache. Clocks, especially over-sized ones without frames or backing, also add a contemporary edge. Mirrors can give a place dimension and add a sleekness to a modern interior, which you can pick up with chrome or stainless steel lighting and furniture. Small cubes or boxes that you hang on the wall create a bold look, and you can fill them with interesting objects. Try black lacquer boxes displaying bright coral, or light pine boxes holding small ceramic pieces or favorite art postcards.