Thursday, September 24, 2015

Instructions For Drawing Realistic People

Studying the human figure increases an artist's abilities.

Artists use light and shadow to define the human form. Portraying the human figure accurately and realistically depends on the artist's ability to produce subtle transitions of light and dark on the face and body so that the subject's form takes on a dimensional, emergent quality. Standard drawing pencils and paper are common the tools that artists use most often to draw their subjects. Learning to draw people realistically enhances one's visual acuity.


1. Determine the direction of your light source in relation to the subject. Work from the outside edges of your paper and move inward to establish the background for your subject. Begin with light shading and gradually move inward to loosely form the rough shape of your subject.

2. Use lightly shaded marks to establish the details of your subject that are cast in shadow. Make sure that your subject is taking on the correct proportions as you work and before you commit to any darkened lines or details. Once you've achieved proportionate results, fill in the darkest shadows with hard strokes.

3. Refine your markings so that they begin to take on the correct shapes. Lightly shade around the darker areas of your subject to create gradual transitions between light and dark. Use an eraser to smooth out light spots and to create highlights.

4. Use thin, decisive strokes to bring out additional details, such as the finer areas of the eyes or individual hairs.