Friday, September 18, 2015

Ideas For Painting Designs On Canvas

Painting on canvas allows for a variety of techniques.

Painting on canvas isn’t just for professional artists. Anyone can paint a beautiful, one-of-a-kind design on canvas with a little direction, the right tools and a lot of creativity. Get your creative juices flowing and paint your own personal masterpiece to enjoy for years to come!

Let Your Imagination Flow

If you mindlessly doodle while talking on the phone, take those doodles and create a whimsical design on canvas. Create your doodle design on paper first. This will allow you to make mistakes or start over if necessary. When you are satisfied with the design, recreate it on your canvas in light pencil. Fill in the design doodles with acrylic paint and you're done.

Stamp in the Patterns

Use rubber stamps to create a repeating design in two contrasting colors. Paint the canvas one solid color. Let it dry. Then use a small foam roller brush and apply paint to a rubber stamp. Stamp a pattern onto the canvas, let it dry and hang. You can create a contrasting piece by reversing the colors and hanging them side-by-side.

Tape it Up

Use masking tape to separate colors and create a perfect line. Paint the canvas a light base color in a color scheme you want to use. Choose three or four different shades in the same color group, and tape off sections in a linear or abstract fashion. Paint each section in one color. When the paint dries, remove the tape and you have a one-of-a-kind work of art to hang on your wall.

Think in the Abstract

Create an interesting abstract work of art by bleeding colors into each other gradually. Apply a primer to your canvas. Fill the canvas with two base colors at opposite ends. Don't refill your brush, but continue to sweep the color towards the middle of the canvas until it has almost completely faded into the primer. After the two base colors are dry, paint or stamp random designs in contrasting or complementary colors.

Scratch it Out

Apply four or five vivid colors to the canvas. Make sure the colors are bright but not dark. When paint is dry, apply a thick coating of black paint. Before it dries, scratch out random designs with toothpicks, chopsticks, a butter knife or any other blunt object that will not rip or cut the canvas.