Monday, September 14, 2015

Write The Alphabet In Graffiti Letters

Ancient graffiti

Graffiti has been with us from ancient times. Graffiti has been found on walls in the Egyptian pyramids. Graffiti artists used walls as their canvas, initially creating an urban blight, and many laws were passed making wall drawings and defacing property illegal. During the 1980s through the present, graffiti has developed into an urban art form. Many fashion designers have used graffiti-style types of lettering in their designs. Graffiti is a personal expression and can take any form. The style of graffiti is up to the artist and expresses his individuality.


1. Research different types of graffiti. Since graffiti is an individual expression, become familiar with how graffiti artists have formed their letters and expressions. Use examples for inspiration and a style guide as you develop your own style of expression.

2. Take your paper and pencil. Start with one or two alphabet letters. Using the pencil, draw them in large capital letters on the paper. Leave lots of space between each letter so there is plenty of room to modify each letter.

3. Round some of the corners on the letters. If you like bubble letters, modify the letters to look like bubbles. Vary each letter. Some can be round; some can have hard, squared or jagged edges. Exaggerate an aspect of each letter. Make some of the spaces within each letter larger or smaller than would normally be the case. Remember: there is no rule. You are the artist, experiment and create your personal style.

4. Choose a marker. Use your favorite color or several different colors. Outline the letters. Follow your original pattern or vary the lines in the letters with some bold strokes. Use color. Be bold. Be creative as you draw.

5. The thickness of the lines on the letters should be different. Make some of the lines on each letter thicker than others for visual interest. Shade the lines. Shading will add a dimensional effect.

6. Add details to the letters. Use hands that grip the bar of a letter. Add stars within the letters or outside. Add eyes to peek out of the spaces in the letters or in-between the letters. Surround the letter with a bubble. Use arrows squiggles to highlight a part of a letter or the entire letter.