Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Popular Fantasy Art Posters Of The 1980s

Fantasy art is a style of art that relies on the artist's imagination and defies convention. It is well known for depicting images of war, space and alien landscapes. The artwork uses vivid imagery, creating surreal and stunning artwork. Some of the main artists who created fantasy art during the 1980s were Boris Vallejo, Rodney Matthews, Roger Dean and Chris Foss.

Boris Vallejo

Boris Vallejo contributed to the artwork created for George Lucas' Star Wars films. His artwork was mainly used for the marketing and promotion of the films. One of his most popular pieces of artwork, drafted for the film "The Empire Strikes Back" in 1980, depicts several of the movie's main characters within a spectacular landscape. Boris Vallejo's work can be found at vallejo.ural.net/.

Rodney Matthews

Rodney Matthews was an influential fantasy artist during the 1980s. One of his most popular pieces of art, titled "Mirador," depicts an ice structure at the center of the image and includes fantasy creatures throughout the icy landscape. The image, created in 1981, can be found at rodneymatthews.com/.

Roger Dean

Roger Dean was another influential fantasy artist during the same era. One of his most popular pieces was called "Freyja's Castle." It shows a large tree in the foreground and an expansive landscape in the background. The winding tree and the alien structures give the artwork its fantasy quality. Dean made the image in 1987. It can be found at rogerdean.com.

Chris Foss

Another popular fantasy art painter during the 1980s was Chris Foss. One of his most popular works was called "Turner Spaceship." It shows a large spaceship within a atmospheric sky. The image can be found at chrisfossart.com.