Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Draw A Japanese Dragon

Draw a Japanese Dragon

Japanese dragons are strange and special in that they are not all monsters. Many Eastern cultures consider dragons to be wise and benevolent. Japanese dragons even have a special way to fly. Unlike Western dragons, who flap around with large leathery wings, Japanese dragons propel their enormous snake like bodies around through magical means. Drawing a Japanese dragon is simply a matter of layering on basic shapes and slowly transforming them into a magical and beautiful creature.


1. Draw a reversed "S" shape that ends with the bottom of the "S" going diagonally off the page. Add a sideways bell-shaped oval for the head. The round end of the bell should be the part where the back of the head meets the neck. Add the two front arms with curved lines extending from the protruding middle curve of the reverse "S".

2. Flesh out the shape of the body by drawing curved parallel lines around the body guideline. Add a mouth with a sideways triangle starting at the front of the face. Add an eye with a small oval above and to the right of the mouth.

3. Draw some details on the frame. Add two long whiskers coming from the top left of the face and curving up and to the right. Add spikes around the head with curved cones around the top, back, bottom and chin of the head. These cones should vary in length and width. Add triangles along the entire back of the dragon.

4. Thicken the arms with curved parallel lines around the arm guideline. The top of the arm near the shoulders should be much wider than the wrist. At the end of the arm guideline, add a small curved cone for the dragon's claw.

5. Create scales with small "C" shapes inside the body. Scatter these randomly over the body and arms. Draw the nose in the upper left-hand corner of the face with an upside down "U" shape. Add teeth inside the mouth with small cones on the upper and lower parts of the mouth. Add spikes under the left arm as you did with the head.

6. Erase the guidelines. Ink the entire picture. Let the ink dry and carefully erase the pencil lines.