Friday, July 24, 2015

Polish An Aluminum Trailer

Aluminum trailers are some of the best made trailer types, unfortunately, the new trailer shine tends to wear off after time. Aluminum naturally oxidizes, turning that beautiful aluminum into a dull gray metal with no shine at all. If you have an old aluminum trailer and want to get it looking like it's brand new, a few tricks can get you started.


1. Wash your trailer as normal, using soap and water and a soft bristled brush. Make sure that any mold, mud and debris is completely removed before beginning. Allow the trailer to dry.

2. Protect any light fixtures, windows, painted areas of other non-aluminum surfaces with masking tape and newspaper and then use a paint stripper to remove the clear coat finish if you trailer has one. Each paint stripper is slightly different, so make sure that you follow the instructions to the letter. Remove the masking tape and newspaper and then wash the trailer a second time to remove the chemicals from your paint stripper.

3. Use 600 grit wet sand paper to remove any heavy oxidation from the surface of your aluminum trailer. Always start your work at the top of your trailer, working down. Sand any rough spots and then rinse each area with soapy water as you work.

4. Place a wool bonnet on a 7-inch angle grinder and apply the first layer of polishing compound to your trailer. It is best to begin with a course polishing compound which will protect and shine the aluminum. Course compound will leave swirl marks; however, you can remove them later.

5. Replace the wool bonnet on your angle grinder, and then apply a second layer of compound using a medium grade polish. This will shine and further protect your trailer; however, will not remove the swirls.

6. Remove the swirls and give your trailer a mirror-shine by using a random orbital polishing machine with a dual head. These machines can be rented from your local hardware supply. Cover the heads with pieces of an old sweatshirt and then use the machine to apply a very fine grain polish. This final step will remove all of the previous swirls and leave your aluminum trailer looking brand new.