Thursday, July 30, 2015

Print A Design On A Shirt

Shirt printed with a slogan

You can print a design on a shirt using the screen printing technique, also known as silk screen. Designs can be prepared on paper or with a computer, then transferred to a screen frame coated with light-sensitive photo emulsion. Ink is put into the screen frame, and pulled over the design with a rubber squeegee. Screen printing leaves a bright, durable layer of ink and is perfect for multiple prints.


1. Prepare a design to print on a shirt. Open a file in a word processing or graphics program and create a design. You can use words, illustrations and photos combined to create a design. Try different typefaces for the words until you find one you like. Try to arrange the elements of your design in an eye-pleasing way that communicates your message effectively.

2. Prepare your design on paper if you prefer. Scan the design into your computer, and open it in a word processing or graphics program. Scale the design larger or smaller if desired, and add type or other graphic elements.

3. Load your printer with clear vellum (translucent paper) and print your design on it, to create a film positive of your design.

4. Wash a silk screen frame, also known as a screen, with soap or de-greasing agent. Let it dry. In a dark room, coat with photo emulsion and let dry overnight.

5. Place the silkscreen frame face-down over a piece of foam rubber cut to fit inside the frame in a dark room. Place the film positive face-down on the silkscreen frame and tape into place with transparent tape. Put a piece of heavy glass over the film positive. Hang a halide light 15 to 18 inches above the glass. Turn on the light for the exposure time recommended in the photo emulsion instructions.

6. Turn off the halide light and remove the film positive from the silkscreen frame. In a dark area, spray out the silkscreen frame with warm water under medium pressure to develop the image on the screen. Once the image appears, blot both sides of the screen with newsprint. Place the screen in a well-lit or sunny area and let dry.

7. Lay a blank shirt flat and put a piece of newsprint inside the shirt to stop ink from printing through to the other side. Place the silkscreen frame over the shirt, and put a thick line of ink in the end of the screen opposite you. Firmly pull the ink toward you with a squeegee and lift the screen to check your print. Multiple prints may be made.