Thursday, July 23, 2015

Get People To Go To An Autograph Signing

High attendance at an autograph signing requires event marketing.

An autograph signing is an event where a celebrity meets with fans to take pictures and sign merchandise. The objective of an autograph signing is to get people to purchase more products made by the celebrity. Getting people to attend an autograph signing requires advanced planning and strategic marketing. A public relations, advertising and social marketing plan should be executed to increase attendance for the event.


1. Let the media know about the autograph signing. Send out a press release, and put together a press kit. A press kit is defined by "Entrepreneur" magazine as a comprehensive packet containing information about a person or company that includes a biography, photos, and customer or fan testimonials.

2. Purchase advertisements to help spread the word. If you have a small budget, buy online ads that target your ideal attendee. For example, by using a Facebook ad, you can target viewers by interests and location of the signing.

3. Promote the autograph signing to your social network, and ask them to spread the word to their networks. Post updates on Facebook and Twitter, and send an email to contacts that may be interested in attending.

4. Find a sponsor to provide incentives for attending the autograph signing beyond receiving the autograph, such as free food or t-shirts. The sponsor should also promote the event to its network.

5. Ask the venue hosting the autograph signing to promote it to their customers. Put up a sign, poster or other notice with the date of the autograph signing on it at the venue a couple of weeks before the event.