Monday, July 27, 2015

Prepare A Canvas To Paint With Acrylics

Prepare a Canvas to Paint With Acrylics

Although some people like to paint straight onto a rough canvas, a smooth surface is the more popular approach, and allows for finer details. Preparing a canvas for an acrylic painting project takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour. It's always a good idea to prepare a few canvases at a time so they'll always be ready when inspiration strikes.


1. Place the rough canvas on easel or a flat surface. An easel is preferable as there is less chance for dirt and debris getting on it and changing the final look of the surface.

2. Smear a thin layer of acrylic Gesso, a base coat available at any craft or art supply store, onto the canvas using your fingertip or a wide blunt cut paintbrush. Be sure to cover the entire canvas surface once and let dry.

3. Repeat Step 2 a couple more times until the canvas is as smooth as you want it to be. Let it dry thoroughly.

4. Sand the dry canvas surface lightly with a fine grade sandpaper until it becomes very smooth. Use your fingertips to test for smoothness.

5. Brush away any Gesso dust on the canvas surface using a soft dry cloth.

6. Spray water lightly on back of canvas to tighten up the cloth a little before painting.

7. Let the canvas dry thoroughly and then paint with acrylic paints.