Thursday, August 13, 2015

Shade On Face Art

Shaded face painting is required for elaborate designs and to add depth.

Face painting is a fun activity for adults and children. The number of options for face painting subjects is only as limited as your imagination. Paint designs, patterns and animal faces onto your face with special face paints, which are available from arts and craft stores. You can paint faces for fun or for special events and school plays. The more elaborate face paint designs may require the blending of colors or shading. Shading is easy to achieve if you work slowly and carefully.


1. Wash and dry the face. Do not apply moisturizer to the face or the paint won't stick.

2. Apply the base coat of paint with the sponge. Dip the sponge into the paint and then spread it across the face. Try to use medium to dark colors as the base. Leave the first coat to dry.

3. Add a fresh coats of paint with a paintbrush. Try to only blend two colors at once. Use a chisel brush with two colors (one on each half of the brush) or two small brushes to apply the paint to the face.

4. Gently rub your thumb over the two colors to blend them. Wipe your thumb on the tissue between stokes or you will simply smear the paint.