Thursday, August 27, 2015

Texture Paint

One way to create a more interesting paint effect in your home is by adding texture to regular latex wall paint. The easiest way to create this texture is by adding silica sand to your paint. It is important to use silica sand, which is often sold in paint stores, since regular beach sand contains dirt and other imperfections that can make your wall look dingy. Sand can be added to any color paint, giving the walls a natural, rough-looking finish.


1. Mix about one part silica sand with about ten parts paint. Feel free to test how much texture you want by gradually adding sand to the paint, mixing it and dabbing a bit on the wall with the paint roller until the desired effect is achieved.

2. Mix the sand and the paint well. Silica sand will settle to the bottom of the paint bucket rather quickly, so use the mixer to periodically stir the paint to ensure even texture coverage.

3. Mix the paint and sand immediately before pouring it into the paint tray. When painting, use the roller to stir the paint and sand mixture in the tray between applications.

4. Apply one coat of textured paint to the walls with the roller. Paint up and down, then paint over it side to side to smooth any roller lines. Let dry.

5. Apply a second coat of textured paint to the walls for the most finished look.