Monday, August 31, 2015

Turn A Poster Into A Canvas

Turn your poster into a canvas by copying the design onto painter's oil canvas.

Turn your cherished posters into a more durable, artistic piece of art by transferring the design onto a stretched canvas. Create artwork for pennies on the dollar by picking up your favorite piece of art or design in an inexpensive poster form, then transform it into an oil-on-canvas yourself. No need to possess superior artistic talents--just the ability to trace your design and enough color theory savvy to then fill in the design with paint on your canvas.


1. Place your poster on an artists' tracing table, sometimes referred to as "light tables" with a lamp underneath. These can be purchased at most art stores. Tape the poster down so it doesn't move around.

2. Place your blank, stretched canvas on top of the table over the poster and secure on the edges to the table using small table clamps or vices.

3. Turn on the lamp underneath the tracing table and you will be able to see the design through the canvas. Trace the outlines of the design.

4. Prepare colors by mixing oil paints on a mixing tray until you have achieved all desired colors to complete your poster transfer.

5. Paint in the design on the canvas working from top to bottom and closely following your poster's design as seen through the tracing table's illumination.

Clean your paint brushes and mixing tray using solvent and rags.